We were assigned a project of designing and implementing the communication and advocacy strategy for the National Census 2021. We engaged in extensive meetings and received comprehensive orientation from esteemed organizations such as UN Women and the Central Bureau of Statistics. Additionally, we sought the expertise of a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) expert from the Philippines to ensure our strategy was inclusive.
Our team worked diligently to create a robust communication and advocacy strategy that would effectively reach every household in Nepal. We recognized the importance of raising awareness about the census and its impact on individuals and communities. To achieve this, we developed a range of informative and engaging materials, including documentaries, Public Service Announcements (PSAs), brochures, and flyers. These materials were designed to resonate with diverse audiences, ensuring that every household would receive the necessary information.
The National Census 2021 campaign stands out as one of the largest and most impactful initiatives we have implemented to date. Through our strategic communication and advocacy efforts, we successfully disseminated information to households across Nepal. The campaign's success was measured not only by the reach of our materials but also by the positive response and engagement from the public.